Way back when we lived in Ann Arbor, Esme and I were going around finding Fairie Doors. (Okay, so it's only about three or four posts back, but it feels like a long time ago.) As alluded to in that post, we found more doors around town, in addition to the poster that is now in Esme's room here in East Middlebury.
It was during one of our walks around the block near our home that I happened to notice the Fairie Door built into the base of a tree. Here you get a shot of the first time I saw it...
...and here you see the same door, closer up, with a winter's decoration.
As promised, this is a picture of the inside of the Fairie Door at Peaceable Kingdom on Main Street in Ann Arbor. Photo credit goes to Ross, who either took it himself or snagged it off the web. Either way, he sent me this image:
And I leave this Fairie Tour with a very similar image to the first one I shared, but this time there is the added door on the side of the window display (above Esme's head). As alluded to in the earlier post, these doors seem to appear only when you know they're there or are specifically looking for them. I have been to this door (street level) probably hundreds of times over the 14 years I lived in Ann Arbor, and it was only on this last visit that I noticed the white door. Was it there the whole time? Did the Fairies add it recently? I have no idea, but it certainly confirms my thoughts about these magical doorways. They're there for those who can see them. They're not there for those who can't.
...and here you see the same door, closer up, with a winter's decoration.
While walking with Tina and Esme on another day in the neighborhood, Tina spied yet another door, this one also within just a few blocks of the house.
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