Holiday Season, 2011
Esme has been pondering this whole 'have you been bad or good' holiday concept. She's not sure she buys the whole thing, but it has caused a certain amount of introspection on her part. On the one hand, she's just an infant and can't really be held accountable for her behavior and choices at this point. On the other hand, she's a great baby -- clearly communicates when she needs something, stays pretty chill when she doesn't need anything, gives smiles freely, sleeps well and appears she would make it through the night if she didn't wake up hungry sometime between 2 and 5.
But, there have been those moments when she seems to have a bit of the mischievous nature that seems to run in the Wingo branch of her dad's side of the family.
Like when Mom's computer was telling her it was going to shut down if she didn't plug in the power cord.

Because, if the computer is off, Esme gets more attention... (Note that she'd done this three times before I went to get the camera, and sure enough, she did it again.)
Let's hear it for the perverse Wingo-gene! Love it, Gran