Today, Wade's friend, Jon, came over to practice as two thirds of Bowling Green. Esme seemed to move her hand in time to the music (is this the sound of one hand clapping?), so we tried to let her sit in on a few tunes.
Jon takes a break while Esme tries out her new drum |

She can get her hand on top of the drum, and she also repositioned the drum for better resonance. I think she's hoping for a bass drum to play with her feet, as well as a cymbal for a little syncopation.
She was pretty thrilled when dad sat down for a photo op. Throughout the practice session, she was watching our hands strumming (or plucking in my case) and seeing the light reflect off of our guitars. She would even watch our faces as we sang.
Based on her responses to the various things we played, as well as the music we have going in the house most of the time, I would say she's a huge fan of live music, but she does have an affinity for the classic jazz of Ellington, Coltrane, and Mingus.
Of course, all of this music playing and spectating does tire her out. Before we even had our instruments packed up, she had sacked out. So thanks, Jon, for a great jam session (in preparation for Woodruff's next Tuesday -- we're already on the list), and thanks to all of you for reading!
Oh Wade, how very dear! I enjoyed reading every word and seeing the photos. When Aunt Virginia comes next week I'll show her your blog and use of drum, much love from Mom/Gran