We've been busy this past month and a half since I last posted. Our main excitement has been making our weekly rounds. Esme and I have several specific things we do every week --
going to the local library branch's Toddler Hour on Tuesday mornings,
going grocery shopping once or twice, and stopping by the pub for snacks before or a,
walking up and down the sidewalk in the neighborhood,
and now that it's gotten colder, we've added trips to the Ann Arbor Hands On Museum.

Mornings are sometimes slow around here, with a sleepy Esme eating breakfast, or sitting in her chair at the base of the tree of life.
Esme has started trying on several hats lately. She never liked to wear hats, so this is a welcome development as Michigan's winter will be upon us soon. (Theoretically)

We enjoy naps together sometimes, though I usually take her nap time to get other things done. (Today I cleaned the bathroom, and I'm writing in this blog. I like a sense of accomplishment.)
As I mentioned, we've been going to all the AADL's Toddler Hours. (Not every one every week, but we've made it to all of them as of this morning's trip to the Downtown Main Branch.)
Downtown: Mondays
Mallett's Creek: Tuesdays
Pittsfield: Wednesdays
Traverwood: Fridays
Our local Mallett's Creek Branch... |
The Traverwood Branch on the north side of town... |
And also at Traverwood, where she first started pulling a wagon. |
And the day after the Traverwood wagon, she started pulling Jim's old wagon around the porch. (Quick learner, that girl.) |
When we're not out and about, we tend to hang out in the living room and play with various toys. She's been pretty happy knocking down any block towers I build, but lately she's starting to build a little of her own. She also likes to 'share', which means she tries to give you something. But with Esme, you'd better take it or she can get more than a little bent out of shape. (I like to called it 'forced sharing.') Though I was talking with a parent of an 18 month old who's just turned the corner into the world of 'mine.' Ahh, the things we have to look forward to!
We play games at home for most of the day. |
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When Mom gets home, it's time to play a whole new set of games! |
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And perhaps my favorite new activity: Cheers, when we're eating the same food item. (And it only happens then -- no other food toasting allowed.) |
So these are the ways we fill our days. I've got several videos and many more pictures of various activities, but this is already a long enough post. And I can hear the little one stirring in her room down the hall. Thanks for reading and sharing in the joy that is Esme!