Those of you on facebook may recognize this photo from the day I pulled a carrot out of the garden, rinsed it off, and shared it with her. She would chew and suck on it for a bit between me taking bites. But, like so many times that we're eating, she remains very attentive to what we eat. It doesn't seem to matter whether it's a bowl of cereal, a fresh fruit or veggie, or a slice of pizza -- she wants to know what we're eating and wants a taste of it. She even gnawed on the end of a baguette all the way home from Whole Foods with Tina the other day.
Fifteen years ago, after graduating from college, I was a full time nanny for my best friend from high school and his wife. They were having their first child and needed help. Now, after spending the intervening time working in public schools in many roles, including a 4th grade classroom teacher for the past seven years, I am entering fatherhood myself. Hopefully my experiences as a stay-at-home dad can help lift your spirits and create community. Enjoy!
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Those of you on facebook may recognize this photo from the day I pulled a carrot out of the garden, rinsed it off, and shared it with her. She would chew and suck on it for a bit between me taking bites. But, like so many times that we're eating, she remains very attentive to what we eat. It doesn't seem to matter whether it's a bowl of cereal, a fresh fruit or veggie, or a slice of pizza -- she wants to know what we're eating and wants a taste of it. She even gnawed on the end of a baguette all the way home from Whole Foods with Tina the other day.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Six Month Check-up
I have been remiss in publishing to my blog. My apologies to the persistent souls who check in here weekly only to find you've read everything already. I would promise to get better and be more consistent, but I've said something like that before, and we can all see how well that worked.
Esme's been eating a lot more lately. She's progressed to many different foods, and though she may make a face when she gets the first bite of a new item, I don't think she's really turned anything down. It seems texture is a larger deciding factor for her than taste. When we steamed some vegetables (apparently not long enough) and sent it through the food processor, some things came out slightly chunky or stringy (like carrots and asparagus). We've played more and are getting better. Hopefully we'll have it all figured out before we start pulling more than kale, onions, and mint out of the garden.
On to the check up.

Going back a little further in time, we took Esme to a nearby park that has basket swings for the little ones for her first ride in a swing in early March. It was certainly fun for Tina and I, and Esme seemed to enjoy it also, at least most of the time. Tina has taken her back there several times since then, and I have accompanied her a few times. The odd thing to me was that three other parents I know mentioned that same week that their babies had their first ride on a swing. Maybe it was the unseasonably warm temperatures, or maybe it was just a swing-y week.
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